Christine Dyer is a social media expert and the founder of Christine shares her social media expertise with the wedding industry through a series of free wedding marketing videos. As a testament of Christine’s social media success, BridalTweet now has over 10,000 Facebook fans, 37,000 Twitter followers, and 3,000 Pinterest followers. Prior to launching BridalTweet, Christine Dyer was the Director of Social Media Marketing at American Express where she led the development and growth of their Facebook fan pages, which had 1.6 million fans. Christine received a B.S. and M.B.A. in marketing from Fordham University.
If you’ve read my blog in the past, you know that I’m a huge advocate for using social media to grow your wedding business. But if you do that, then at some point you’ll have to deal with negative feedback. How you handle the feedback can go a long way toward either getting a new customer or driving away a potential sale.
Here are 3 tips to help you to handle negative comments appropriately and to keep your customers coming back for more.
- Don’t delete the comment. This shows your fans that you’re able to own up to the complaint and deal with it head on in a professional way. Plus, deleting the comment will only make your frustrated customer even more frustrated. The only case when you should delete a comment is if it is over-the-top offensive. For example, if it includes profanity or if it is racist, etc. In my opinion, comments like that don’t deserve air-time.
- If it is a rational comment, address it quickly and don’t be defensive. It’s best to be accommodating, polite and truly listen to the person complaining. First recognize the complaint, apologize publicly and then take the conversation offline to resolve the issue. Come up with a positive solution that directly addresses it. If the person isn’t satisfied with your explanation, you can try offering a business service or a discount to calm the situation and, hopefully, convert the complainer to a satisfied customer.
- If it is an irrational comment – ignore it. (Again, don’t delete it!). Trust me. Your fans will realize that this person is not in their right mind. And better yet – your fans might stick up for you. That would make the response even more credible.
Even if your business doesn’t have a dedicated social media presence, you still need to know what people are saying about your business. Type your company’s name into Google to see the comments that are out there. And set up Google Alerts to stay on top of the comments. And keep your response positive, sincere and proactive.
Do you have any tips to share with our wedding community about handling negative feedback? If so, please comment below.
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